I'm Renonys, and here is where I document all my attempts at making period type things

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Progress... and more unweaving

Last night I finally managed to finish weaving my first word!

Yaaaaay! I ended up moving the o one pick forward, away from the f, to bring them into proportion with the rest of the gaps. Finally I'm happy with the spacing of the whole word.

Today I worked on the second word. Before I went to bed last night I spent some time untwisting my weft and shifting the whole thing down the loom, so I was expecting tensioning issues today. Luckily I didn't have much of a problem, but there are still a few little bubbles where I started up again. Anyway, after a few false starts on some of the letters where I realised I needed to move it forward or back to space it properly, I got this far:

Phone picture! I took this with my phone because there was no one home with me and I needed to see if the fourth letter was recognisable. I sent it to Mister Nathan, and he thought it was an 'n'. It's supposed to be a 't'! It's got a wanky taily bit which is a little confusing. Anyway, I had a look through Guntram's pattern for this alphabet to see if he had a tail-less 't', but instead I found a different one. The 't' in this alphabet for 48 cards only takes up 25 cards, but in the alphabet for 36 cards, the 't' takes up 28 cards and is a little more defined. So I unwove this one and used the other one instead.

Tada! What I've done is take out one pick in the middle hole bits of the 'o', 'u', 'm', 'a' and 'n' letters, and taken the very outside picks off the 'l', 'i', 'u', 'm' and 'n' letters. The only letters that stayed the same as the pattern were 'f'', 's' and 't'.

Also, I don't know that it's very noticeable in the picture, but my second word is slanting to the right. I'm not sure how this happened as I'm quite careful to beat evenly. The only other times I've seen this happen is when I've retensioned the warp and one side of it has pulled the pattern askew, but I haven't needed to retension since the start of the word when I untwisted my warp. The only thing I can think of is that I accidently beat one pick unevenly, then matched every following pick to that one. This is yet another unexpected thing that has happened, but hopefully once I take it off the loom and the whole thing relaxes it won't be so noticeable. At least it's slanting in the correct direction for writing, which probably isn't a period thing but won't look so odd to the modern eye :P I think my width is getting slightly better too. I've given up on measuring it all the time and I'm just going on what looks good to my eye.

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