Happy new year! I've been working on my embroidery quite a bit over the last few days, and I've now completed a couple of motifs and worked with all the colours.
I'm very pleased with my colour choices. The colours aren't quite the same in this picture as in real life, but you get the idea. The white was the last colour I added to my first motif, and it was amazing how awesome it made the whole thing look. The red is amazing, and I think that's what really makes the whole thing look so good. I didn't start the purple until my two green motifs were finished, and I wasn't really sure about it when I started working with it. The white makes it look better though, and even though I think maybe I should've stuck with the lighter purple that the Wymarc pattern suggested, it still looks pretty damn awesome.
We've started seriously discussing Pennsic plans, which is all very exciting. I had always intended to spend a week in New York beforehand whether anyone else wanted to come or not, but it looks like the others are pretty keen for New York. I'll probably end up doing a lot of things by myself anyway, because I want to see as many Broadway shows as I possibly can. I've also started thinking about garb that I'll need. I need to make some more linen hose and chemises, and I could do with another cotehardie or two like my ginger one. I think I'd also like to make a linen man-cote. I need to fix up my green brocade surcote and/or my wool surcote to throw on over whatever I'm wearing for cold evenings. I pondered a couple of sideless surcotes, but I look kind of funny in them because I'm so skinny. The front bit has to be really narrow, or I end up looking kind of square, but it looks kinda funny being so narrow. Anyway soon I'll start ordering linen and hopefully I'll have some stuff started by the time uni starts.
I'm very pleased with my colour choices. The colours aren't quite the same in this picture as in real life, but you get the idea. The white was the last colour I added to my first motif, and it was amazing how awesome it made the whole thing look. The red is amazing, and I think that's what really makes the whole thing look so good. I didn't start the purple until my two green motifs were finished, and I wasn't really sure about it when I started working with it. The white makes it look better though, and even though I think maybe I should've stuck with the lighter purple that the Wymarc pattern suggested, it still looks pretty damn awesome.
We've started seriously discussing Pennsic plans, which is all very exciting. I had always intended to spend a week in New York beforehand whether anyone else wanted to come or not, but it looks like the others are pretty keen for New York. I'll probably end up doing a lot of things by myself anyway, because I want to see as many Broadway shows as I possibly can. I've also started thinking about garb that I'll need. I need to make some more linen hose and chemises, and I could do with another cotehardie or two like my ginger one. I think I'd also like to make a linen man-cote. I need to fix up my green brocade surcote and/or my wool surcote to throw on over whatever I'm wearing for cold evenings. I pondered a couple of sideless surcotes, but I look kind of funny in them because I'm so skinny. The front bit has to be really narrow, or I end up looking kind of square, but it looks kinda funny being so narrow. Anyway soon I'll start ordering linen and hopefully I'll have some stuff started by the time uni starts.
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