I'm Renonys, and here is where I document all my attempts at making period type things

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A New Thing

I got a text yesterday morning from Mum telling me there was a package waiting for me at home. I'm waiting for a few different things, so I asked her the dimensions of the package before I raced over there all excited to pick it up. Lookee!

MY COLLINGWOOD ARRIVED! I raced home to pick it up before work, and even had a short look at the double face chapter in one of my breaks. I'll have a proper read this morning, and start drafting up a pattern for the strap of my awesome bag of awesome. Now all I need is to order some thread and wait for that and my new set of cards to arrive. I think the main motif pattern will be in gold and red, and I'll add a selvedge border of green and purple. I haven't decided what sort of weft to use. I have a feeling that I'm going to have epic problems with the motif stretching along the band way too much, so I'll need something smaller. I want to use size 8 thread for the warp, which means using a sewing thread weft again, or size 12 cotton. That probably means dealing with snapping issues again. I guess we shall see what happens when I warp up my loom.

I've slowed down a bit with my embroidery. I've only done another three motifs since last week, and that's only because I carried it with me all weekend and worked on it while I was doing social things. I haven't been picking it up as much at home in my spare time. It's a good thing I started this project so early!

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