Last weekend I spent some time working on my red cotehardie. I pulled about an inch or so in on various seams, and in a fit of madness decided that I needed to pull the front panels up by an inch at the shoulder seam. That involved pulling the sleeve off, pulling the neckline seam apart at the shoulder, then pulling apart the shoulder seams in the outer dress and the lining, then somehow putting it back together from the outside. I don't recommend it. I ended up just whacking it all back together in the most messy fashion, because I didn't know if it would work. I didn't want to cut any fabric, I just wanted to see if it would work. It did. So now I have to undo my messy work and spend some time putting it back together neatly. The shape of the dress looks a whole lot better as well, it doesn't do the bagging thing so much anymore. It still does a little bit, but I don't think I will ever be able to fix that properly.
Sunday trade starts next week, so we had an overhaul of the rosters at work. I ended up with an awesome roster, even though I reluctantly volunteered to work Saturday mornings. One week I work Thursday night and Saturday morning, and the next I work Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. This means that once a fortnight I get to go to St Basil A&S on Thursday nights at uni! I was thinking recently about how unmotivated I am to pick up any projects and work on them, and I realised that when I started in the SCA I was going to St Basil training every week, and always made sure I had some transportable work to do there. Lately I haven't been going to any A&S meetings, so haven't needed to work on a project to the point where I have handwork to do. So I'm going to make an effort to go to St Basil's every second Thursday and have something to work on. I've got plenty of projects in my fix-it basket now, which should keep me going for a while. Next week I'll bring my red cote and finish it completely. Then I can bring the wool one and fix that around my red one :)
I'm in the process of ordering some gold thread to use as a brocade weft for my awesome belt of awesome. I'm using this site, which sells gold foil wrapped around a silk core, which is very period and should be perfect for my belt. This project is getting a bit expensive, but I intend to do it properly and document it and in the end I should have an awesome belt of awesome :) My silk is still in transit, it's taking forever, but that's ok because the girl I'm ordering the gold thread from is ordering me a continuous 20m skein of thread, instead of me buying four little ones, and that will take a bit longer. Besides, I haven't even figured out a pattern to brocade. I think I want to make it heraldic and put my little ivy leaf in a little shield shape thing, but I think to make that work I'll need some Latin writings, and I don't have a motto or anything I can use. So I need to think up a phrase or something. I really should continue reading Eccesiastical Pomp for some inspiration.
Sunday trade starts next week, so we had an overhaul of the rosters at work. I ended up with an awesome roster, even though I reluctantly volunteered to work Saturday mornings. One week I work Thursday night and Saturday morning, and the next I work Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. This means that once a fortnight I get to go to St Basil A&S on Thursday nights at uni! I was thinking recently about how unmotivated I am to pick up any projects and work on them, and I realised that when I started in the SCA I was going to St Basil training every week, and always made sure I had some transportable work to do there. Lately I haven't been going to any A&S meetings, so haven't needed to work on a project to the point where I have handwork to do. So I'm going to make an effort to go to St Basil's every second Thursday and have something to work on. I've got plenty of projects in my fix-it basket now, which should keep me going for a while. Next week I'll bring my red cote and finish it completely. Then I can bring the wool one and fix that around my red one :)
I'm in the process of ordering some gold thread to use as a brocade weft for my awesome belt of awesome. I'm using this site, which sells gold foil wrapped around a silk core, which is very period and should be perfect for my belt. This project is getting a bit expensive, but I intend to do it properly and document it and in the end I should have an awesome belt of awesome :) My silk is still in transit, it's taking forever, but that's ok because the girl I'm ordering the gold thread from is ordering me a continuous 20m skein of thread, instead of me buying four little ones, and that will take a bit longer. Besides, I haven't even figured out a pattern to brocade. I think I want to make it heraldic and put my little ivy leaf in a little shield shape thing, but I think to make that work I'll need some Latin writings, and I don't have a motto or anything I can use. So I need to think up a phrase or something. I really should continue reading Eccesiastical Pomp for some inspiration.
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