I'm Renonys, and here is where I document all my attempts at making period type things

Saturday, October 17, 2015

New Adventures

Time for my monthly report! I always have the best intentions to do more SCA things and blog about them, but my life is a little too topsy-turvy at the moment. My last post was about the last thing I made, the double weave cloth. I ended up turning it into a pleated apron and entered it into the open A&S at Championship, where it came second, Yay! I don't have any pictures of it and I left it in Perth, so that will have to come at a later time.

Championship weekend was really great. Spoh came back from the snow so we set up our big tent again, this time with added improvements! I didn't take any pictures but it's looking pretty great now that the spokes have been lowered to the correct spot at the top of the valance, and with the extra painting we did along the valance. I spent the weekend keeping busy as lady in waiting for Sir Eva and later for the B&B, and relaxing the rest of the time. There was good food and good weather and I really didn't wanna go back to Katanning afterwards.

In other news, I'm not living in Katanning anymore, I've moved further south to Albany. I was poached from Katanning and offered a contract in the Subacute Care ward down here at Albany Hospital, and I jumped at the chance because it's pretty much my dream job. For those who don't know where all these places are in WA, I has a map!

I have amazing Paint skillz. So as you can see, Perth is a 4.5 hour drive away, and that's only because it's pretty much a straight line all the way up at 110km/h. The nearest SCA group is Vallon d'Or up in Balingup, which is a 3.5 hour drive away because it's all twisty roads. BUT there are a few members of Vallon d'Or who live down here in Albany, so I'm in the process of getting in contact with them to see if we can get some stuff happening down here.

So far I've been down here for a week and I'm staying temporarily in nurses quarters, which is actually a massive house with lots of rooms and a really nice ocean view. It's way nicer than the hospital house in Katanning, it's even got a spa in one of the bathrooms. Technically I don't think allied health staff are supposed to use the house, but I was given six weeks to find my own place, which I've done. I'm moving into my very own rental next weekend, and I'm looking forward to it. Once that happens I can unpack my loom and get going on another project. As far as my job goes, I'm on a rolling contract until the department gets around to advertising all the positions in my unit, which could take anywhere between three and twelve months to finalize. Then I'll have the option to apply for my job as a permanent position. So at the moment it looks like I'll be down here indefinitely, and once I'm settled in my own place I'll make a push to get SCA stuff happening.

Albany is at least way more happening than Katanning. There are shops open on a Sunday and more to do to meet people than just playing hockey. Watch this space!

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