I'm Renonys, and here is where I document all my attempts at making period type things

Saturday, May 26, 2012

May Fail

I've had a very uninspired May. I've basically done absolutely nothing except the bare minimum of uni work and I've shown up to work and SCA training things. I did manage to get a bit of my embroidery done at the Anealan 25th Anniversary event. It's nearly two-thirds finished now. I went to a novelty archery shoot and wore my man-undies and hose with one of Nathan's old cotes. It was big and comfy, although I probably looked ridiculous :P

Last weekend I went to the Baroness' Fighter Auction tourney and added a couple of projects to my list. First of all there was a book floating around called Sweet Bags, which I WANTS. I've decided I need to make a pincushion or a sweet bag as an A&S entry. Secondly, I wore this dress:

This dress was my first surcote to go with my first four-panel gothic fitted dress. It's made from cheap Spotlight brocade, the same brocade that nearly everyone has a garment made out of in various colours :P. I originally made it in four panels and it had itty bitty little tippets because I was trying to be fabric thrifty even though I had a whole bolt of the fabric. It came from Sophie's stash. Anyway, the first time I wore it was to a feast, and when it was time for dancing I tried to pick up my skirt to swish it around, because it's fun. WELL there was almost no skirt, so there was no swishy and I was a bit disappointed. Then I put some gores in the sides. I made them so they started below my hips. It looked hilarious.When you put gores in a dress, the need to start above your hips, where your body starts flaring out. Anyway, before Festival 2011 I decided to fix it once and for all, and I made new gores for the sides, and also in the middle of the back. I also made completely new sleeves, and put the black guard aroud the bottom. I'm so glad I did, because it now looks awesome and the fabric has a great weight and drape to it, and it's warm.

I brought it with me to festival this year, and put it on a couple of times over my day cotes. It was really tight, possibly because I'm bigger, but most likely because I was wearing an extra layer, a chemise. I ended up popping the top button off, and losing it :(. I decided to try wearing it again last weekend over my gold cote which doesn't have a chemise, and it fit a bit better, though still quite tight. I popped and lost another button, which has made me decide that it needs some more adjusting. I think what I will do is add an inch wide panel on each side that goes from under the arm to the gores. This should mean the whole dress loosens up but still remains shaped. I do also need to have a look at the sleeves, they're cutting in a bit where they end at the elbow. I might see if I can let the seams out a little bit to give me some more room.

In other news, I finally got myself motivated enough to finish weaving that red belt for my brais. It doesn't have a buckle yet, but I did pick one up from Andre at 25th year. I just need to attach it :P. I also cut out and started sewing up man-cote take 2! I decided that since I have tons of that red wool and I'm unlikely to use it for anything else, I would just start again. I've made it longer and looser. Pencampwr is next weekend, and it's going to be cold so I'd like to wear it then. Hopefully I'll have time to finish it, but if I don't I suppose I can always wear the first one :P

And that's all. I have an exam on Monday, my last class at uni on Wednesday, an essay due next Monday and then I have two and a half weeks until my final exam. Then I'm on holidays! Holidays that will be filled with all sorts of SCAdventures!

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