I'm Renonys, and here is where I document all my attempts at making period type things

Saturday, February 25, 2012

St Basil O-Day and More Cotehardie

Yesterday morning my alarm went of at 6:30am, about half an hour earlier than I needed to get up to make it to uni early enough to get free parking. To my surprise, instead of rolling over and going back to sleep like I expected, hence the reason for setting such an early alarm, I actually woke up and got out of bed. Big mistake. I was now in the frame of mind that I had plenty of time, and I ambled around getting all showered and packed and ready to leave. I ended up leaving about 20 minutes later than I wanted to, and missed out on free parking :( Instead, I parked at The House, and hiked over to uni. The House is only a couple of streets away, but it was far enough that I didn't want to have to make two trips. So I managed to load myself up with all my gear and do it all in one :D I had managed to pack the most awkward things. I ended up bringing my quiver, my loom, my basket full of things, and a foam head. I'd only remembered that I had a foam head when I dug through my accessories bag trying to find my hose, and saw my hood. I had a wistful moment in which I wished it was cool enough to wear it, because I love my hood and I like to show it off. That's when I remembered the foam head, and I evicted my flapper wig in order to pack it to display my hood. Anyway, I didn't have very much stuff, but it was awkward kind of stuff to try and carry all at once, but somehow I managed it with my awesome skillz

O-Day was pretty good. We ended up with about 60 sign-ups, which I think is about average. The test is how many of those sign-ups are show-ups next week when we get to Thursday training. We have a $5 sign-up fee, and it's a good thing we do, because I reckon another 60 people just wandered in and asked to sign up without even knowing what we were, and when we mentioned the $5 they very quickly sat up and realised we were wearing funny clothes, and generally made a swift exit. I'm glad I had strung my loom, I ended up spending most of the day sitting on the floor working on it, and it attracted a lot of people who thought it was very fancy and I had awesome skillz. One girl made a comment about how cool it was, then followed the comment with a surprised exclamation that I was actually using it, and knew what I was doing rather than just pretending. One guy was sort of mesmerised by it and ended up sitting down with us and chatting for ages just as he watched me weave. All in all, we had a very productive O-Day, as successful as any other, but more commendable since for the first time we didn't have any grownups to help out. We set up our list field as usual, but there was no fighting because we didn't have enough authorised fighters with armour present. It's a bit of a shame since the fighting really draws the crowd in, but on the other hand we still had a lot of people come through, and we managed quite well.

It took us ages to pack up because we're lazy and couldn't get motivated. We had a lot of chatty rest breaks :P The table people came past multiple times to collect our tables, but were scared off by the amount of crap still piled on them. It wasn't really much, but I suppose it looked like a lot of unfamiliar bits and pieces that may or may not take a lot of time to shift, rather than a whole bunch of the most unbreakable, invaluable, fanciest looking stuff we have that could all be shoved off the tables very quickly :P We were all exhausted by this time anyway, it's amazing how a day of sitting around and talking to people can really drain all your energy! It wasn't even very hot, not like past 40 degree days. It only got up to about 26 degrees, and I even wore shoes and hose all day, without even being tempted to swap to the sandals I brought with me just in case. We also had a lovely breeze wafting through the pav all day, it was quite lovely :)

I ended up not getting home until about 6:30pm, and I just crashed. I piked on singing practice, which I feel really guilty about, but I would've been absolutely useless. As it was I just parked myself on the couch with my sewing and worked really hard at staying awake until a decent bedtime, instead of going to sleep as soon as I got home and waking up at 2am and not being able to get back to sleep. I was rather unproductive with my sewing, I only attached one more panel to my lining in an hour and a half. I ended up giving up and I was in bed passed out by 9pm.

This morning I woke up feeling drunk. I seriously had that weird dizzy feeling, and I couldn't walk straight. I was also weirdly sore in random places. I feel like I've done something to the back of my left knee/calf muscle, but it doesn't feel muscular. I also have a stupidly sore right shoulder and the right side of my neck. I remember feeling that recently, I think it may be related to floor weaving. Anyway, I downed some gatorade and went to my ballet class, and back to pointe for the first time in over a year, so now I just hurt everywhere and I can't remember which bits hurt before class :P I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to walk properly tomorrow :P

I spent the afternoon with Mister Nathan looking through a book of WA camping grounds, trying to find a suitable place to hold Championship since Ern Halliday is booked out on our weekend :( We found a couple of place to check out in the next few weeks, and I think we're going to visit Hoddywell Archery Park tomorrow after training. I spent the evening watching Journey to the Centre of the Earth on tv and making my cote lining into one piece. All done! I must say while the movie is all fluff and very predictable (especially since I've read the book), it was a pretty good sewing movie. You don't need to pay *that* much attention while still being able to follow the plot. And Brendan Frasier is pretty :P Now my lining is completely finished, all it needs is attaching to the actual dress, which I can do after I turn those twelve pieces into one :P

That's where I'm at. Tomorrow there's an IKAC at training, so we shall see if all the tips Mister Nathan has been giving me are actually improving my shooting :)

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