This past week has been absolutely massive, I feel like it's been at least a month since I last posted. Ok. So. On Friday I fixed up my pattern, then spent ages unpicking the whole thing, ironing it all flat again then making sure all the rights and lefts matched. I tried to take a picture of me wearing the finished pattern, but I didn't try very hard. I ended up with pictures that didn't look much different to the ones of me wearing it before I fixed it. And they were all blurry and taken in a particularly dirty part of my mirror. ANYWAY no pictures. Once I had all the bits of my pattern flattened and matchened I cut two lengths of my linen that were as tall as my shoulder, found some calico and ironed it all. Then it took me an entire episode of Star Trek Voyager to trace the pattern onto calico and cut that out. It took another entire episode to trace the pattern onto my linen. I laid the two lengths of linen out flat, one on top of the other. That way I only have to trace and cut four panels instead of eight, since the right side is the same as the left. Still took me an entire episode of Star Trek just to trace it, and another episode to actually cut it out. It took this long mainly because I hate Cutting Out and I kept procrastinating with solitaire.
On Saturday I went to the Taylors' open house. Soon after arriving I went with Suzie to Lincraft and Spotlight to get matching thread and see if I could find any buttons. Lincraft had some awesome buttons, but didn't have twenty of the same designs. It didn't really matter because the ones I wanted were $2.86 each. EACH. Times twenty that makes $57.20. I can't afford to spend that much on buttons. I think what I'll do is take the awesome gold buttons off my twelve-panel red cote and put them on the sphinx one, because I don't like the red cote and it doesn't deserve such awesome buttons. Later I'll go looking for more buttons for the red cote and also the other cotes I wanna make. Anyway, by the time we got back from our expedition it was lunchtime. I spent the afternoon sewing, and left that evening with my lining completely sewn up and hemmed, and one long seam of the outer dress finished. Sunday after archery practice I spent the afternoon sewing some more at Nathan and Catherine's.
Monday was my first day of uni, even though everyone else got a public holiday. Uni is pretty epic and majorly contributed to the feeling of this week taking up a whole month. I seriously slowed down with the sewing, but I think I got the major stuff done on the weekend. Right now the lining is attached and the front seam is all neatly sewn up, and I've made three lacing holes. Only 31 ore lacing holes to go, then I need to hem the dress and cut out and sew up the sleeves. There's still a week to WAMA fair so I think I should have it finished in time without too much rushing. Although yesterday I started coming down with a cold, so right now I'm feeling groggy and miserable and I dun wanna anything *huff*
Another thing that happened this week is I graduated with a Bachelor from UWA! This is totally relevant to this blog because the robes are just like a houppelande and the whole ceremony is very traditional. Also there were academics wearing Tudor flat caps. Here's me:
Yay robes. UWA is very traditional so only Masters and PhDs get to wear mortar boards, but the people that did got to doff their hats at the cancellor which was awesome. I'm a little disappointed that Curtin lets everyone wear the mortar boards, so when I graduate with my Master degree I'll be one of many and won't get to do awesome things like doff my hat at other Masters and proper academics. It was really quite interesting watching the ceremony, the formality and awareness of rank was a lot like an SCA court. I enjoyed myself a lot more than I expected to at a boring graduation ceremony :P
In other news, I haven't looked at my embroidery since before my linen arrived, and I haven't warped my loom yet. I have a feeling that my SCA activities are going to be slowing down dramatically from now. I think I'll have to work out some sort of vague list of deadlines for my Pennsic projects, or I'll end up caught in that trap where I don't make any progress because I have ages, then all of a sudden there'll be two weeks left that I'll have a million things to cram into.